Beautiful pool terrace in Ugine, France - The family enjoys outdoor living on UPM ProFi decking with friends

The Cresson family house is located on the heights of Ugine (Savoie) in the French Alps, facing west to enjoy perfect sunshine. The family renewed their 70 m2 terrace with UPM ProFi Deck 150 composite decking and now are enjoying the second summer of outdoor living.


- We had a wooden deck and when we decided to build a pool, the idea was to use a pleasant material to the touch, especially when barefoot. We wanted to avoid tile or wood, as both materials are slippery when wet, explain Valérie and Denis Cresson.

- The terrace is beautiful and enhances our pool very well. We chose a grey colour because it complements our exterior joinery well. In addition, the liner of the pool being Caribbean (white / grey), meaning both elements are highlighted.

The family uses the terrace almost all year round and in particular from March to October.

- It is an essential living place for us, underlines Ms. Cresson.

Valérie Cresson loves to play with her grandchildren in the back yard. Her birthday was celebrated on the terrace, as well.

UPM ProFi Deck 150 in Stone Grey

One year from idea to installation

The process of renewing the terrace began during the summer of 2016, the project was conceived during the autumn of 2016, then we looked for a distributor. We placed the order in March, for a delivery in May during Pentecost. The terrace was ready in June 2017. Our children helped us and in 3 days most of it was done., It's easy enough to install.

- While searching on the internet, with the word "modern terrace", I found the composite woods said Valérie Cresson.

She also used Pinterest and Houzz to get some landscaping ideas, like inserting the tree into the deck. Then they started to search for WPC products in the stores. Bois Espace in Albertville was the most responsive and the most professional.

- We chose UPM ProFi because the UPM ProFi Deck 150 requires little maintenance, barefoot feel is very nice. We were afraid of the duration of the colours, the heat and the instability of the boards; and we were convinced that it was not so. The evidence can be seen on our terrace after a very hot summer 2018.

- Our new decking is the place we go to for an aperitif and chatting with friends. Some even envy us with such a beautiful terrace, says family Cresson.