Story | 02/08/2024 11:57:12 | 2 min Read time

Samse Fair gathers 300 suppliers together in Chambéry, France

Every two years Samse, a French distributor of construction materials, organizes a get-together exhibition for its top tier suppliers and main customers: buildings companies, carpenters, joiners, …. This year the event is held near the French Alps, in Chambéry. During the second week of February, there are more than 300 suppliers presented including wood materials, parquets, cladding, insulation, tiles and decking materials, among others.

For more than 15 years, UPM ProFi has had a co-operation with a French distributor Samse which sales are valued at 2 Billion euros annually. This means the partnership has stayed strong for the whole lifetime of UPM ProFi, one of the leading composite decking brands in Europe.

- We at Samse are a product laboratory for UPM. We test all your innovative ideas and new products. We have a great confidence towards UPM and its products, says Thierry Pichot, director at Socobois, a branch specialized in wood and panels.

- Our job is to test and propose new products for the market. We only do that if our supplier is a reliable partner. UPM is a very strong and solid supplier, and we are pleased to have such a company with us, continues Thierry Pichot.

Samse selected UPM ProFi as one of the most innovative products

UPM ProFi has been selected as one of the most innovative products in Samse. Overall, there are 28 products of which the visitors at Samse Fair can vote for the TOP 3 products. In total, there are more than 300 products presented at the fair.

- We selected the UPM ProFi from the category composite products as one of the innovative products for us. UPM and we have a long history, and it is our first partner for the composite decking, says Baptiste Puthet, director, wood and panels, Samse.

According to Samse, the decking product UPM ProFi Piazza One has several advantages, such as durability, high level of recycled material, as well as local European production in Germany, to name a few.